Schroth Wall Bars in the House!

Update 10/3/13: I recently came across a source from which to order wall bars – check out this link!

3B Scientific Eucalyptus Wood Stall Bar

I participate in the Amazon Affiliate program, which means I get paid when people link from my site to Amazon and then make a purchase.  It’s not big money for me, but I enjoy directing people to products I like or think would be useful 🙂

We have mentioned before that K. is doing Schroth exercises as physical therapy for issues associated with the scoliosis.  Having a set of wall bars is a great help in performing the exercises, so Jim set about building them once we got back home from a week of Schroth training, and they are now done!

We went from this:

To this:

We used them for the first time two nights ago and they are fabulous!

For those who are gluttons for details, here’s a general overview of how Jim built them. First, his list of materials:
-1/2″ plywood, 1 4×8 sheet
-3/4″ plywood, 1 4×8 sheet
-1-1/4″ 3 ft. oak dowels – Qty. 16
-1-1/4″ 3 ft. galvanized pipe (1)
-2′ x 6′ mirror
-4 plastic mirror clips with screws
-8 2-1/2″ lag bolts
-8×1-1/4 wood screws

For the sides, he first ripped the 3/4″ plywood to get two 11″ widths of wood. Next:

Then with a forstner bit, he began drilling the holes that the bars would fit into:

After dry-fitting both sides with the bars, Jim measured for the back and cut that plywood to size. Then it was time to paint.

Notice in the picture above that the top bar is the galvanized metal pipe…it was supposed to be a 1-1/2″ oak dowel to support someone’s full body weight if they’re hanging by their hands with their feet off the ground. We couldn’t find an oak dowel of that diameter locally, so we figured a metal bar would substitute fine.

After attaching the back with wood screws and then fastening the mirror in place with the clips, Jim fastened the whole system to the wall screwing the lag bolts into studs. And once again, the finished product!

About donnahuebsch

I'm a wife, a mom to an unschooling teenager, an animal lover, an artsy craftsy kind of person, & a DIYer. We're embarking on our BIGGEST do-it-yourself project yet - renovating an entire house!
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22 Responses to Schroth Wall Bars in the House!

  1. Pat says:

    Cool! Donna, you can do Callenetics on those bars!

  2. eof737 says:

    Wow! What a project… He makes it look easy! 🙂

  3. Susan King PT says:

    please tell me I don’t have to construct the wall bars! Doesn’t someone manufacture these?

    • donnahuebsch says:

      Sorry, Susan, I don’t know of anyone in the US who manufactures these…however, if you turn the plans over to a carpenter or good handyman, they should be able to do a nice job for you.

      • Alison Rosenbach says:

        HI Donna,
        Do you know how to contact Dennis (on this post)? He is offering to build the wall bars (my daughter just came back from intensive Schroth therapy), and we’d like to install a set in our basement for her to continue her exercises.
        Thank you for your help!

      • donnahuebsch says:

        Hi, Alison – I don’t have any contact information for Dennis. However I’ve contacted the folks at Scoliosis Rehab in Wisconsin to see if they may know him. Also, if you can’t get in touch with him, Scoliosis Rehab can provide you the plans for the wall bars, and you may be able to hire a local carpenter to do the job. I will let you know what I hear from them.

  4. Dennis Martin says:

    I have made 2 sets of these bars for my sister-in-law, who is a PT. I would be glad to help with a set for anyone interested. Shipping is not too bad, just need someone to assemble and install when received.

    • Alison Rosenbach says:

      We have been looking for a set of these for my daughter to do her Schroth exercises. We live in Virginia. Dennis, can you please tell us how much you would charge for the kit and shipping? My husband can assemble if you send us instructions! Thank you!

    • Chi says:

      How do we order from you?

      • donnahuebsch says:

        Chi, I spoke with Dennis’ sister-in-law, who said that it would probably be a less expensive option to buy some from Amazon. You can click the link at the top of the blog post and it will direct you to an Amazon product.

  5. Alison Rosenbach says:

    Thank you Donna! I did the plans for the bars that you posted too, and will try to find someone locally do make them if we can’t contact Dennis. Thank you again! Alison

  6. CarolAnn Berger says:

    Would love to know how much you would charge for a set of these bars. Both my daughters were diagnosed– ages 12 and 10. We just began Schroth. My husband would be able to install. Thank you! We live in NY

  7. Hi Donna,
    I’d like to make you aware that we also manufacture wall bars for fitness and scoliosis therapy. Our products are made here in Maine and are of local native hardwoods (not China). We offer a wide selection of products to fit most budgets or needs. Would appreciate a mention in your blog!
    Bruce Bickford

  8. Hi Donna and Jim
    This looks great and doable, I am wondering how to adapt it for my house which has a ceiling that is 7′ 7 1/4″ max (not 8′ like in the plan) and stay true to the functional aspects of the design. Can I eliminate one of the lower bars without compromising the functionality? My daughter is 7 years old and has scoliosis and Marfan Syndrome. She has been bracing for a little more than a year with some success but has not yet tried Schroth. We just returned from the Curvy Girls convention in Long Island and had a wonderful time.

  9. kachalmers2 says:

    Hello! One thing I’m not seeing in the directions is how much space is between the bars. Any idea? About to start making ours today based on these plans and that’s the only question I have. Thanks!

    • donnahuebsch says:

      Bars are spaced at 5-1/4″ on center. Good luck!

      • kachalmers2 says:

        Thanks. I actually noticed that in the plans after I commented this morning. My husband and uncle put this together and installed it in 6 hours today and it is so solid and perfect. (we just didn’t varnish it yet). We made the whole thing for about $300, and we used oak. This is half the cost of the ones available online, plus those are made from pine and do not include a back wall or mirrors. Thank you so much for posting this. We are so happy with the results. Thanks again!

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